Dear Students and Parents,
Please accept my apologies for the very short notice.
Our last class at Eagle Martial Arts will be on Thursday 30th. January.
Our first class at a new venue will be on Saturday 1st. February.
The new venue will be:
Moorleigh Community Village Gym.
90–92 Bignell Road, Bentleigh East
Classes will be held on Tuesday 7pm
Thursday 7pm
Saturday 4.30pm.
It has proven extremely difficult to find an appropriate training venue.
EMA (current location) has proven to be too cramped.
The new venue will allow us to double the mat space and also allow enough height for weapons training.
I realise that this will not suit everyone and I do apologise for any inconvenience.
Please feel free to contact me or Joe Thambu Sensei on admin@aikidoshudokan.com, should you have any problems with this relocation or any questions.
Once again my apologies for the change and short notice.
I wish to thank you for your continued support.
Bart Lea